Knowing the Towing Policy and Your Rights On It

Giving assistance to stranded motorists and clearing off the roadways of disabled vehicles are the major duties of towing services and tow truck drivers .

In the process of car towing, the lives of all tow truck drivers are always at risk in order to do their duties on the road. However, the said towing service have been penetrated by unscrupulous drivers who are doing a predatory towing. This had been a result of insufficient laws and policies of the Federal and the State.

One example of predatory towing is the moving out of “patrol” or “satellite”. The case gets worse the moment a tow truck driver pulls away an illegally parked vehicle on a private area. A private area may include but not limited to a no-parking space of malls or apartment premises.

AB 2210

Aside from the family and children’s legal rights, car owners and drivers also have the rights to be taken into account during towing. To protect consumers and vehicle drivers and owners, a California law enforcing worst cases of illegal towing was implemented. The AB 2210 states that the moment you caught a tow truck driver pulling out your car even if it is on a private area, the tow truck driver should release the car to you in an unconditional manner. Civil misdemeanor, $2,500 fine, and possible detainment for three months are the penalties for tow truck operators violating the law.

Changes in the AB 2210 Law

Here is the guideline for towing vehicles in a private property:

One-Hour Rule – prior to towing, a vehicle must be parked for around one hour, not unless, if it is parked in a way that cause blockade on the entrance or exit, or within in an area with a distance of 15 feet of fire hydrant.

Reasonable Fee for Release – 50% of the normal towing fee must be released by the tower in case he releases a vehicle that has been parked illegally.

Ten-Mile Restriction – more than ten miles distance from the parking area of the towed vehicle is not allowed as its storage lot.

Valid Towing Permit – a valid tow truck carrier permit must be available and must be presented by the tower. Photographs and documentary records should be made for each towing process.
