Law to Protect Pedestrians and Cyclists



As a driver of an accident with a pedestrian or cyclist? A little scary! Fortunately, it usually ends well with tin damage alone. Who is responsible and has to pay for the damage?

Are you a passerby who didn’t pay attention, or because you didn’t see a passerby? Endangered pedestrians and cyclists are legally protected by road traffic and there is a law about driving safely. This is laid down in article 185 Road Traffic Act.

What does this law mean for you as a motorist?

Would you like to recover damages in the event of an accident with a pedestrian or cyclist? In that case, you must demonstrate that you did everything you could to avoid the collision. For example, you must prove that you have adapted your speed to the conditions. Or that the cyclist or passerby’s mistake was so unexpected that you couldn’t take it into account.

Unfortunately, cyclists and pedestrians are often inattentive in traffic or do not follow the traffic rules. Because they are a lot more vulnerable, you have to take extra account of their safety from a legal point of view. This explains the strict requirements for your driving behavior as a driver.

Special Principles for Young Road Users

Your insurer must pay for the damage suffered by the child as a result of an accident. This applies to pedestrians and cyclists under the age of 14. And it was decided based on 185WVW. Is your car damaged?

Under Article 6: 169 of the Dutch Civil Code, you can hold your child’s parents accountable. However, you need to prove that you have done everything possible to avoid a collision. If you can demonstrate this, you will be reimbursed for the damage.

Your Options for Recovering the Damage:

*You can demonstrate that you did everything you could to avoid the collision. This means that there is force majeure on your part. Then the damage is fully recoverable just like how local recovery service offers their help and expertise during accidents, damages, and unexpected car problems.

*You cannot prove that you did everything you could to avoid the collision. Part of your damage is your expense. The size of this part depends on the situation. In the worst case, you cannot claim damages from the other party.

Avoid Discussions and Provide Witnesses

Claim recovery often leads to discussions with the other party’s liability insurance company. Being a witness to your story strengthens you. Therefore, try to find witnesses who can support you in this. Because proof is difficult, we recommend that you engage a lawyer to handle the case.


Behind the Scenes before a Law is passed

Every legislation all starts with an idea that may have come from a staff member, a legislator, a professional lobbyist or at times, even an average citizen. The legislation fails or succeeds depending on several factors. Advocacy organizations are representing the point-of-view of like-minded people with regards to opposing or supporting bills. But still, it all falls to the individual constituent what the decision is going to be.

Is the Power to Rule Lies on One Person only?

It might seem a single individual can’t impact the legislative process. After all, history holds that the government is broken and that the political process is corrupt. Politicians are not listening to its constituents and to average citizens and legislators can’t do anything.

Regardless of how common and frequent these narratives are, it must still be challenged. While the government is not functioning effectively and it could sometimes be difficult to make the legislators listen, using effective communication strategy can help boost the odds that your opinion will make an impact.

Remember, even though you might just be one and voiceless, it matters in the legislative process. At the same time, the only way of making real difference is to use it in advocating for issues that you really care about.

Persuading Elected Officials

Now as mentioned, only one can make the decision whether the proposed legislation will be approved or not. Your job is not to meddle with the process. Rather, it is to think of how you can persuade the legislator that it is the right thing to do. Fortunately, there are a few ways of doing that.

Personal Relationship

Staff members, family and friends have a huge influence on the decisions made by elected officials. If you will know how to tap on these people and show the value of your proposal, you may just be able to turn the tide in your favor.

What’s Your Message?

Anything you say to an elected official is important. With this in mind, it is imperative to ensure that you formulate it carefully before telling. This is like any other marketing approaches whether you are doing it for a political campaign, for a testosteron bartwuchs zusammenhang product and whatnot, everything you say should be executed intelligently.


Events covered by media will typically have a big impact on what elected officials are going to discuss in hearings and introduce as legislation.

Using A Computer As A Judge Isn’t Such A Bad Idea

What does science says computers are indispensable helpers. They often act and think for humans already. Could they also take over the work of a judge in the future? Professor Jaap van den Herik (Leiden University) thinks that in the future, full reviews of computers can take over the work of a judge. “Without realizing it, computers are already making many important decisions. Just think of a plane trip. For the greater part of the journey, your life is in the hands of an on-board computer and not of the pilot”, says the professor.

But why would that computer also do well in court? Well, it helps that the PC is very good at searching for old lawsuits. It’s like this: when a judge has to make a ruling, he looks at rulings from previous cases that are very similar to the current ones. For example, was someone fined 500 euros five years ago for deliberately letting his dog defecate in the neighbor’s garden for a year? The judge will now take this into account in its consideration.

problem with the computers: they are copying the old mistakes of human judges

Now it appears that judges are not very good at searching for old cases in a database. In 1985, scientists discovered that lawyers could find only 20 percent of relevant cases. And that while they themselves thought they could figure out 75 percent of the cases. Fortunately, lawyers have gotten better at this in recent years and most are now hitting 80 percent. But it still can’t match the 98 percent of relevant cases discovered by the PC. Conclusion: Based on more of those old cases, the computer therefore in principle gives a fairer punishment than a human judge. There is one big problem with computers: they are copying the old mistakes of human judges. According to Van den Herik, for example, there are old cases where the pronunciation was sometimes ‘literally colored’. On average, people of color were punished more severely than white people. The computer will discover this pattern based on all those old things. How?


In statements, for example, the place of birth of a suspect is always mentioned. If you add up all the cases, it could be that sentences given to people born in Curaçao are usually higher than people born in the Netherlands, even if the offense is the same. The computer will not recognize this as wrong or suspicious. In fact, he will think this is appropriate and will automatically impose a higher penalty in future cases on people born in Curaçao. Nevertheless, the professor is hopeful, because hard work is now being done on computer algorithms that can recognize these errors and ensure that skin color or origin are not a factor in determining the penalty. “I think that will work, and then people can be tried by a computer in the future.”

Understanding the Section 230 Provision that Trump Wants Congress to Repeal

Aside from the $2k stimulus check amount, Trump’s additional condition to his signing of the 2021 Appropriations Bill was the repeal of Sec.230 of CDA. Also known as the Communications Decency Act, its Section 230 provision gives protection against legal liabilities that may arise from any content posted by users of a media platform.

The recent attack on Section 230 is a totally different issue from an earlier Twitter feud relate to the platform’s ban on political campaigns. Trump is currently claiming that social media sites are allowing the Democrats to steal the election.

Actually, at a time when social media sites banned the posting of political campaigns in their platform, what the Democrats were able to accomplish in using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and instagram, was to convince people to exercise their right to vote. Trump of course did not want this to happen, since the main reason he won the 2016 elections is that many Democratic voters did not participate in the election process.

Not to stray from the main topic, the greater interest is knowing what exactly does Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, provide as protection to communication networks like social media platforms.

What Exactly is Section 230 and How Does it Affect Users of Social Media Platforms?

Section 230 was created and introduced in 1996 by Rep. Chris Cox (R-California) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) so that owners of websites can freely moderate content and without worry of any legal responsibilities. This particular law gives websites protection against lawsuits, if ever a user posts topics that become subjects of lawsuits. The privilege afforded by Section 230 though, does not exempt websites from carrying content that violate federal criminal laws, phornographic works, and copyright violations.

Still, the Act encompasses a lot of services, including allowing audience and users to post and exchange comments. The liability-free status makes Section 230 very important for social media networks since they don’t have control over comments and other post interactions linked to their users’ posts; or tweets as in the case of Twitter.

Experts insist that the wide protection the law provides, allows dominant companies to overlook the potential real harm posed by users of their platforms. Lawmakers on the other hand had put forward incorrect arguments; illogically claiming that the section only safeguards the interest of those who support neither left wing or right wing advocates or those in neutral platforms.

Additionally, a lot of people connect Section 230 to the First Amendment that prohibits governments from imposing limits on various forms of speech. Section 230 eased the pressure on tech companies to observe rules that require them to regulate and limit content based on a specific political standpoint or ideology. Such a requirement would have been unlawful because it violates the First Amendment.

Legal experts contend that if ever Section 230 is removed, social media platforms would be forced to change the way they operate and manage their platforms.

Companies on the other hand, who benefit from the cost-efficient approach in marketing their brands, would have to evaluate every content their marketers’ or influencers’ present as creative content, before posting and sharing them in social media platforms, if only to ensure that non-controversial topics will be posted.

In today’s marketing strategies, brand promoters and influencers are capable of curating their content in Instagram by using an analytics tool. The tool is useful in generating Instagram stats related to their posts, giving them insights on those that are working as far as achievement of their goals are concerned.

If social media companies impose limitations on what they can create as content, Instagram users will not be able to reach a broader set of audience.

The Legality of Loot Boxes : Countries Vary in Views

Questions about the legality of loot boxes have been answered by regulators of different countries, to which varying views and actions have been taken.

Countries like the UK and the U.S. generally allow video game developers to offer loot boxes, for as long as their mechanics do not go into the boundaries of gambling laws, In China, Belgium and the Netherlands, loot boxes have been constituted as falling in the same structure as online gambling. As a result, said countries have outlawed their inclusion as reward features of video games. In Japan, loot boxes are allowed but subject to certain restrictions.
The differences of opinion though, stirred confusion among gamers. Loot-box supporters opine that they are structured under the same framework of the “surprise toys” so loved by children. The problem though is that some game developers went beyond the mechanics of offering mystery prizes by way of loot boxes. The offering began to draw criticisms when their acquisitions involved payment of real money, described as similar to staking of wagers in exchange for an unknown game enhancement or rare feature.

Some others oppose the addition of loot boxes in games because they perceive loot rewards as predatory tactics. Parents raised concerns that even if offered as in-game rewards, the prospect of winning a mystery prize encourages minors to play non-stop, and could lead to game addiction if not closely supervised.

Understanding the Aspects that Determine the Legality of Loot Boxes

Countries that arrived at a decision to allow loot boxes made references to online gambling laws. That is regardless of whether a loot box was randomly won as a prize, or acquired as in-app purchase. Three elements were considered and compared to what statutes specify as critical elements that define an activity as online gambling.

First is “value”, the second is “chance” and the third is “valuable prize.” If a loot box is randomly awarded as a game prize, there is no value involved, which makes the chance of winning a valuable prize, free of cost. If a loot box is acquired by way of real-money purchase, and even though all elements of gambling are present, it still does not necessarily constitute online gambling.

Prizes that are valuable to gamers may come in the form of customization features, such as characters or avatars, skins, weapons, armors, which they would otherwise have to pay for if they so wish to acquire. These virtual objects are not considered things of monetary value in the real world, and therefore cannot be monetized by the gamers who won them via loot boxes.

Things would be different if the mystery prizes being awarded come in the form of gaming hardware and accessories, which gamers could monetize by selling them even at a bargain price, If that is the case, regulators may have decided that the elements of value, chance and prize constitute fall in the same category as online gambling.

In mentioning gaming equipment and hardware, we suggest that when looking to buy a laptop, be in the know that there are laptop models that are also suitable for gaming. Most of them are affordably priced at $1,000 because they have better features than ordinary laptops. To learn more about them, specifically type must-have best gaming laptops for $1000 as search words.

Disregard of Public Safety, a Public Health Crime?

When it seems that reopening of economies has furthered the increase in active COVID-19 cases and deaths, can Trump be charged with public health crime?

Trump and Republican senators had pushed for the reopening of economies, and have encouraged some state governors and anti-lockdown protesters to defy safe-distancing orders, all against the advice of public health officials. Since such actions put public health at greater risks, there are now calls to hold Trump and all those government officials responsible and accountable, for continuously putting the health and safety of the American public in grave danger.

Trump’s Deliberate Failures in Handling the COVID-19 Crisis, Cases of Public Health Crimes?

Legal experts are now focusing on laws that mandate government officials to put public health ahead of all other agendas in their decision making.

Constitutionally, public officials are responsible for ensuring that there is adequate public health infrastructure in every locality. First and foremost, the aspect of preventing the spread of communicable disease has been their primary public health responsibility from the moment the COVID-19 became a global health crisis.


In addition, and while the threats of the novel coronavirus disease remain as public health concerns, government and other public officials are responsible for ensuring that communities are prepared in responding to emergencies, and at the same time, have assurance of adequate health services.

Those defying government orders to shelter-in-place, to wear masks and/or to practice safe-distancing measures during a pandemic, can be lawfully charged for committing a public health crime. That being the case, Trump, other government leaders, lawmakers and public officials who disregarded their public health responsibilities should also be charged for public health crimes.

After all, despite the science-based warnings and advice of the government health officials tasked to monitor and assess the prevailing conditions of the ongoing public health crisis, the actions taken by Trump and by many others, all clearly indicated that they put greater weight on economic health over public health.

The American Public Should Have Awareness of Their Right to Public Safety

Ironically, the threats posed by COVID-19 has reached the White House, which has put Trump in greater danger of contracting the disease. This clearly indicates that in allowing the transmission and spread of the novel coronavirus, it has come to a point that even the most heavily guarded location in the U.S. cannot provide assurances of safety.

In our opinion, American consumers and workers should be aware of their rights to public safety. More so now that even the country’s number one leader is facing greater risks of being counted as a potential new coronavirus case.

Rather than expose themselves to greater health risks, it would be best for consumers to just continue with the current norm of limiting outdoor activities. There is now a proliferation of e-commerce stores that can deliver both essential and nonessential products.

Besides, local retail outlets that have transitioned as e-commerce or web-based stores are able to stay focused in providing fast and safe methods of providing customers their needs. They have instituted public safety measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) and public health authorities.

Additionally, e-commerces entrepreneurs have also tapped the services of local call center outsourcing companies like 31West, (, as a means of ensuring that all customer concerns and issues can be properly and immediately addressed.

Flying Regulations for Drone Pilots: What are the Basics?

Two Drones Flying

Let us be fair, there are many principles in the books throughout the planet, it could be an overwhelming task to place all drone laws. This is for all those of you helped cover and the FAA rules restraining your own flight. I encourage you to understand these principles, flying will work toward bending the freedoms down for the rest of us and get you.

Basic guidelines

Let us recommend a couple of things that we believe all pilots could gain from where there are no laws on the books that you follow.

Don’t fly individuals over

Drones are much better nowadays, but we have seen over a few versions of machines fall from the skies. Be certain the drones of reliability. However, their cheaper models under $300 which are quite safe to pilot. With security in mind, avoid paying attention and flying along with individuals, unless they’re part of your performance.

Stay inside line-of-sight

We’re just worried as we’re concerned when we urge this about you crashing. Security is an issue naturally, for any crash, but losing between distant and drone is likely. Whenever you’re either flying you also place it behind a construction 50 feet off, or far away you cannot view your craft, a relationship loss is a poor thing. If anything, else goes wrong A drone that is misplaced is a situation.

A Man Piloting A Drone

Avoid airports and return

I am hoping that I don’t need to describe you this. We don’t encourage preparation or any pilot whose activities puts lives at risk. Safety must be the first concern from the skies. I guarantee you can have a lot of fun flying.

Aircraft have no method of communication on earth with you, so they are trained to anticipate the worst if they experience a drone in the atmosphere. You also make sure to stay from the line of travel and might have the best intentions; however, they don’t know that. Please steer clear of them where potential.

Bear in mind, it’s a camera

The FAA at the United States doesn’t regulate your drone’s use. The point is, if your drone comes with a camera, it’s a camera. Practice the regional law and shoot on video.

Also Read: Public International Law

FAA Drone Safety Awareness Week

The Drone Safety Awareness Week of the FAA covered a whole lot of facets to security. For much more and business or pleasure, search & rescue jobs, a whole lot is to fly, and it starts with you.

The Importance of Rules in Business

The rule of law has no basic meaning, but in its importance, it’s a concept that implies no one is above the law. The rule of law means that there are transparent, reasonable rules that everyone should comply to– residents, governments and companies. It’s a method of having our justice system fair and making sure that everyone follows the law.

Why is the rule of law essential to the business?

If you believe in doing enterprise without any legitimate centers to preserve your best concerns, you’ll know why the rule of law is essential to companies like factoring for staffing companies. The rule of law provides the majority a structure for how to behave and work. It operates people, companies, and managers responsible for their behaviors.

Without expected rules and patterns to comply with, doing enterprise would be too complicated to handle. You would never understand how another party would act in any given state and it would be all too simple to be taken into account of. The rule of law gives much-needed security, flexibility, and confidence in a possibly volatile landscape. With the guidelines for general pleasant performance clear and universal, it’s a lot simpler to make sure that companies operate predictably and responsibly.

How does it influence businesses?

Workplace security, hiring, wage concerns and licensing are just some areas where some company owners strive to tick all the boxes. While the rule of law suggests that there’s transparency and flexibility in-laws and regulations, you still have to determine what the rules are.

What are the chances of non-compliance?

Losing to comply with time and federal guidelines can have severe outcomes for your business. That’s why it’s so essential to know and learn the rules. If you don’t, you can be exposed to penalties, actions, inspections– even having your business disappeared totally.

If you’d like to expand your knowledge of the law and how it links to your business, think of undertaking online courses. By providing yourself with enough knowledge, you can make the best and most knowledgeable decisions for your business.


Understanding the Motorcycle Rules and Regulations in the Philippines

Motorcycle is considered as one of the most practical form of transportation, especially in countries such as Philippines where traffic is prominent because of the increasing number of people who have vehicles and congested roads. When it comes to riding a motorcycles, it is not important whether you are a local citizen or an expat, riding a motorcycle will make your life easier by not being able to experience too much traffic. This is why a lot of people prefer to buy and ride a motorcycle instead of riding the car or buses. Other even transport their motorcycle via car or truck with the help of a ramp for a pickup truck.

You cannot freely drive your motorcycle in any way you want. There are laws that apply to motorcycle use on highways, which unfortunately, most people failed to see. If you are from the Philippines and you are planning to buy a motorcycle, then you must first familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations under the the LTO Administrative Order No. AHS-2008-013. Since it is very long, we summarize the content below:

  • You cannot drive your motorcycle, e-scooter, or any other two wheeled vehicles in the highway if it is not registered with the Land and Transportation Office in relation with the RA No. 4136. If you are seen driving an unregistered vehicle you will get a fine.
  • As a motorcycle owner, your vehicle should be well maintained and clean especially when you are driving it so as other riders can see it.
  • Wearing a helmet is probably the most important one because your health and safety are at risk. You cannot drive your motorcycle in highway if you are not wearing a helmet.
  • For motorcycle drivers, only passenger is allowed. As for the package or cargo, only luggage carriers that are DTI approved are only allowed.
  • For the safety of both the passenger and driver, the motorcycle must have a head and tail light, side mirror, and a functional horn.
  • Using mobile phones and other gadgets are prohibited by the LTO for it distract the driver and might cause harm.

Content Regulations On YouTube

In terms of video content, YouTube is the most popular destination in the internet even if it were simply a database for video, however the website is more than just sharing video contents. YouTube continuously creates and shares innovative features and apps making the experience of the user more delightful. YouTube make every effort to ensure each task is user-friendly, from watching a video, creating your own to getting youtube views.

Content Regulations On YouTube

But, a quick looksee of several of the video contents on YouTube may give you the idea that any video content is allowed on the platform. In actuality, YouTube has a firm and strict regulations that every member need to abide by. For instance, with regards to video content, it is against the policies of YouTube to post videos that contain the following:

  • Pornography or contents that are sexually explicit
  • Frontal nudity (although bare behinds brim on the video platform)
  • Graphic violence
  • Disgusting or disturbing video footages
  • Those that violate or infringe copyright laws
  • Hate speech, which includes verbal attacks on certain sexual orientation, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, or disability
  • Those that reveal the personal info of other users

Although employees of YouTube frequently look through videos of users, there are extremely many video uploads, over 65,000 each day, for them to examine to ensure each meets the guidelines and regulations of the platform.

The YouTube Community

Since YouTube heavily depends on community members to police and keep watch over the site, every single video has a link underneath it, called flag. By clicking on the flag, this will alert staff of YouTube that somebody deems the content of the video to be violating the Terms of use of YouTube. The staff would then go over every video flagged, and if they do find the video to be violating the policies of YouTube, the video will be taken down from the site as well as send a word of warning to the creator of the video. If the video extremely violates the policies, YouTube may delete the account of the creator as well.

Several video content has caused YouTube trouble with the national governments. For instance, In April of 2007, officials of Thailand commanded a ban on YouTube nationwide when they found a video to be offensive towards King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Because of this, YouTube took down the clip and came to an agreement to ban other videos containing materials that are deemed offensive to the people and country of Thailand. The ban was lifted in August of 2007.

Are There Laws That Govern Chiropractic Practice?

Chiropractic practice is not exempt from regulations in the medical field. In the UK, the chiropractic profession such as chiropractor Dothan is governed by the Chiropractors Act of 1994. This means that even if chiro is a traditional form of treatment, they are still obliged to follow the rules and regulations governing it.

Chiropractic Malpractice

The spinal manipulation treatment method had been used as a treatment by a chiropractor in Indonesia. The said treatment later caused fatal effects to the patient causing her death.

One doctor from the Spinal Special Orthopedic Association explained that the term chiro or spinal manipulation is unknown in orthopedic medical education.

“It’s different from the physio that is known for its education and safety. Indeed, there are several methods of treatment and none in the medical field. Also not related to the spinal and medical fields,” – Spinal Special Orthopedic Association

Anybody who feels an abnormality in the spine must be examined by a competent doctor. This is important for the patient to know about his or her condition.

“We recommend that you seek treatment first to a bone doctor. Check whether there is a problem or not. The doctor will decide whether it can be done traditionally or not. Seeing a doctor is important to determine if the patient has a broken bone infection, tumor or other deformities”. – Spinal Special Orthopedic Association

The orthopedic association also provided an explanation about the therapy that can be done for people with spinal disorders. “Patients can do an x-ray, CT scan, MRI. Later the doctor will evaluate the results.”

Orthopedic doctors asserted, if there is a health practice that uses a therapist expert, there is a need to get permission from the Ministry of Health.

“Chiro is traditional medicine. So if there is a clinic from abroad, it must get permission from the ministry. Because the clinic is from abroad, we do not know whether the experts are doctors or not,” he concluded.

There are laws that govern medical practice. And while chiropractic treatment is not fully recognized by most medical boards around the world, it is important to see a licensed doctor before even visiting a chiro practice.

This is not to say that traditional medicine is bad but people should be aware that the spine is a sensitive part of the body that should be handled only by experts. If your doctor tells you it’s okay to see a chiropractor, then is the time to see one.

Game Laws – What do they exist?

Game Camera World gives hunters reviews and guides on which are the best trail cameras, how to care for them, and how to effectively use them. These could be very helpful to both experienced and amateur hunters. However, being a good hunter is not only about gears and techniques, it is also about being aware of the laws and regulations for hunting as well as understanding it clearly.

Game Laws – What are they?

These are statutes wherein the right to track and seize or kill specific types of fish as well as wild animals (also called game) are regulated. Their range could include:

  • Limiting the number of days to gather or harvest fish or game
  • Controlling the quantity of animals for every person
  • Restricting the kind of species to be harvested
  • Limiting the type of weapons as well as fishing gear utilized in harvesting fish or game

Generally, fishermen, hunters, and legislators concur that the intentions of such statutes is to create and maintain a balance in the preservation, conservation and harvest of both wildlife (game) and fish, which is a necessity. Moreover, game laws are a way of controlling and managing the environment as well as the populations of game and fish. They could also furnish a lawful structure to impose and collect fees for license and other monetary resources which is utilized to finance efforts and initiatives for conservation and to acquire material and information regarding harvest utilized in the practices for wildlife management.

The Lacey Act

Throughout the United States’ early history, insignificant or no interest was given to the devastation of birds and other wildlife. A law that was passed in 1817 in Massachusetts was perhaps the earliest law concerning this matter, wherein it established closed seasons for particular birds and animals that were hunted as game. Ultimately, whether of woodland, field, prairie, or stream, wild game turned out to be protected better. Every state has passed their own game laws and almost all of the states established a commission for game and fish commission as well as game wardens.

The Lacey Act of 1900 (Lacey Act) is a national conservation law wherein that forbids the trade of fish, wildlife, and plants that were unlawfully obtained, owned, transported, or peddled.

Instituted into the US Congress by Iowa Republican Rep. John F. Lacey, the Act was signed on May 25, 1900 by Pres. William McKinley turning in a law. It aims to safeguard both flora and fauna by setting civil and criminal penalizations for individuals who go against the regulations and rules. The law empowers the Interior Secretary to help in the restoration of birds and game in places within United States where they have come to be rare, endangered or extinct. The Lacey Act is still in force and amended several times.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Poised to Legally Block Trump’s New Mexico Importation Tariffs

On the same day (May 30, 2019) when the U.S. – China Trade War negotiations broke down, U.S. president Donald Trump announced that starting June 10, 2019, he will be imposing a five percent (5%) tariff on Mexico importations. The said tariff will increase by another five percent (5%) every month up to October, 2019 until it reaches a max of twenty-five percent (25%).

The uproar against the new tariff imposition is so resounding that no less than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) intends to sue Donald Trump. John Murphy, USCC Senior Vice President Of International affairs came out with an announcement that his group is constrained to make a move against the new Trump tariff.

As it is, leading business organizations are already discussing filing a lawsuit against the White House, to which actions on how they will go about it will be decided this Monday (June 03, 2019.) Mr. Murphy commented,

“Imposing tariffs on goods purchased from Mexico is exactly the wrong move… American families and businesses will be paying the tariffs, without solving the very real problems at the U.S. – Mexico border.”

Trump said that imposing tariffs on Mexico is his administration’s way of pressuring Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to step up with the blocking of Central American migrants to prevent groups from crossing into the U.S border. Trump intends to impose the Mexico tariff until such time the issue concerning the surge of illegal immigrants passing through Mexico, has been resolved.

USCC Analysis of the New Tariff Impact on U.S. States that Import Goods from Mexico

In 2018, imported goods from Mexico totaled $346.5 billion. Should the Trump administration go ahead with the five percent (5%) tariff on Mexico importations, the USCC estimates that American consumers and businesses will be confronted with as much as $17 billion in tax increases.

Yet that is only the initial onus that taxpayers have to shoulder. Since the planned tariff is set to gradually increase at five percent (5%) each succeeding month to reach 25% by October, 2019, the potential tax burden could soar to $86 billion. Trump intends to impose the 25% tariff until Mexico does something to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. border.

Businesses in the U.S. states of Texas, Michigan, California, Illinois, Ohio and Arizona regard Mexico as a top trading partner, as importing goods coming from the country has contributed to their economic growth and job opportunities. These states will be the hardest hit, if businesses and consumer will be constrained to pay additional taxes on the goods they import from Mexico.

Do I Need To Get Planning Permission To Build A Timber Deck?

Timber decking is extremely flexible, but it’s immensely important to be aware of the rules and regulations you will need to adhere to prior to installing the trim panel for decking.

I personally like wooden decks that have been carefully designed and built. We often see amazing photographs exhibiting how non-slip wood trim can be employed to convert gardens and other spaces in the backyard. The array of hues, designs, structural characteristics and usability of numerous varieties would make timber the best material for any individual who would like to showcase their creativity.

Timber’s proven resilience and overall performance make it the best material for just about any woodworking project.
The wood panel decoration looks equally great, as part of the basic ground deck in the back garden, as well as more driven projects. My favorite is the airwalk of the world-famous Eden Project, which uses the Gripsure deck above the canopy. Before you start installing the platform, it’s essential to do your research and make sure you are aware of the rules and regulations that may make an impact in your timber decking project.

Will I be required to get planning permission for my garden deck project?

Much like most architectural projects, most decking areas call for planning permission prior to construction. Most retrospective plan applications are often turned down. Should you not have the right planning permission, you may be asked to put your deck down. Timber decks without planning permits could also make property sales more difficult. Therefore, it is constantly really worth verifying if your timber deck project necessitates planning permit.

As a general rule, no planning permission is required if the following conditions are met:

  • Decking floor is not more than or equal to 300 mm above the level of the ground.
  • The deck – including various other extensions, exterior properties, and garden structures – occupy not greater than FIFTY PERCENT of the backyard space.
  • You will find a number of conditions that determine if the planning permission is necessary and if the permit will pass or be rejected, this includes altitude, distance to the road, as well as the effect of the building on adjacent homes.

Get in touch with your local planning department so that you can get the right recommendations for your project.

What the Law Requires in Riding a Scooter?

Basically, scooters are like ordinary bikes in most countries. Due to this, the said vehicle doesn’t require any licenses in order to be operated and no tax or parking fees imposed. Most of all, it can be carried in all public places.

Just saying this and with the little help of technological innovation, we may say that electric scooters are the vehicle of the future days. And so, we must also expect that legislation regarding its use should be arrived sooner.

However, most countries jurisdictions on electric scooters state that in the event an electric scooter qualifies on the requirement for the legal road use, it is considered legal on the street, except for New York.

Legal Road Use Requirements

The following must be present to a vehicle in order to qualify for legal road use:

• Scooter suspension system
• Right tires
• Rear view mirror
• Horn
• Headlights
• Signal lights
• Brake lights
• Power steering

However, this may primarily based on the city or country you live and you use the scooter. In fact, lots of countries are requiring for the use of helmet while riding a scooter.

On the other hand, since electric scooter works on a full motor operated system, issuance of license to operate the use of this vehicle or any type of vehicle registration has not been required. But, regulations on the use of this vehicle may vary on the each country or states.

One example is in most US states where the US2002 Federal Law states that:

Electric scooters may be categorized as legal to use on the street if its top speed is below 20 mph and the power of its motor is also below 750W. If the scooter belongs to this range, registration or license in most US states is not needed.

General Rules in Using Scooter

Here is the summary of common rules that have been imposed in each countries:

Driver’s License

In operating, driving or riding an electric scooter, driver’s license or vehicle registration is not needed.

Place to ride

It is prohibited to ride a scooter on sidewalks. Scooters can be used on public roads with a speed limit of not higher than 25 mph. It can also be used on above roads through the bike lanes.

Use of helmet

The helmet is a mandatory accessory when riding a scooter. There are even different kinds of helmet available for this vehicle and are also suitable for kids under 15 years old.

Best Scooter Model Suggestion

Generally, there is a vast range of scooter models available in the market. You may check escooterstore electric scooters for you to be guided in looking for the best scooter model. Moreover, you may consider knowing about the power purchase agreement legislation before buying any product.

The Distinction Between Health Law And Health Policy

Centers or institutions for health as well as practitioners like Theodore DaCosta from Gastro Center NJ operate with utmost awareness of healthcare regulations. For the general public, it could be overwhelming to identify and comprehend all the regulations, policies, and laws that relate to the industry of health care as well as to know which governing agency is in authority for the implementation of specific requirements.

Regulations, laws, or policies have a considerable and important function in both the industry of health care and the protection coverage for health care. The different regulatory agencies or bodies keep the general public from several health hazards and offer various public health and welfare programs. Not only are regulations on health care created and carried out by the local, state, and federal government, but also by private groups.

Regulations and standards on health care regulations are essential to make certain of compliance as well as to deliver safe health care to every single person who accesses and avails of the system and programs. Regulatory agencies for health care also keep an eye on facilities and practitioners, give info about any changes or updates, uphold safe and quality services, and make sure of legal adherence.

Health Policy And Health Law Distinctions

Many find the distinction between policy and law to be puzzling, particularly in healthcare and medicine than in other industries which is because of the deeply regulated make-up of organizations that have to do with public health in the United States.


Health care laws are a reference to overall agencies of rules and regulations through which industries of America are obligated to stay in compliance with. Majority of educational institutions see this as an umbrella term for numerous specialized fields such as occupational healthcare, public healthcare, bioethics, global healthcare, infectious disease control and more. This word is often times utilized in connection to the method in which regulations and rules are abided by, instead of the defiance of particular obligatory practices.


Healthcare policies are a reference to particular rules and regulations that are intended to either attain or avert a specific objective or result concerning the broader extent of public healthcare regulation. Healthcare policies are concrete rules and guidelines that are aimed at bringing initiatives by an organization or the government to specific ends. These policies could be kept as legal measures by the local, state, or federal government of the United States. They may also be carried out by an organization, company, or group in connection with its own procedures. This is generally the outcome of that company or organization complying or abiding to the safety guidelines of as well as for general legal obligations and requirements.

A Property Manager’s Guide to Office Lease

Looking for a thorough guide on creating a better office lease?

You have probably heard the horror stories about bad tenants, or worse… poorly written office leases that make it difficult to remedy the problem tenant.  Often the liable party is often the property manager.

As a liaison between the property owner and the tenants, property managers must ensure that the interests of both parties are protected. This is done by producing quality office lease agreement.

In this article, we will discuss the different elements that make a good office lease agreement.

Important Clauses in an Office Lease

One of the common mistakes property managers do is a failure to specify the rights and responsibilities of each party during the tenancy.

This mistake can eventually lead to problems and misunderstandings in the future for both parties, so it is essential that these details are fleshed out in the office lease.

The Basics

Start with providing the basic information of the parties involved, that includes:

  • The full names of both the tenant and the property manager.
  • The lease amount.
  • The start and end date of the lease.
  • The location and the signatures that will bind the agreement.

Security Deposit Clause

A property manager should require the tenant to put up a security deposit that matches the monthly rent. Listing the amount in the contract, and making sure this deposit paid prior to the tenant moving in, should be a condition of rental of the property.

The security deposit from tenants must follow the law depending on the location of the office lease. This must be done properly because security deposits can be a problem if not handled correctly.

Maintenance of the Premises

The lease should specify the roles and responsibilities of all parties to the contract. It is common that tenants are required to maintain the premises.

Best examples of this are:

  • Abiding the noise control rules. No noise between 10 PM and 7 AM
  • To not change the locks without approval.
  • Keeping the premises clean by throwing their garbages.
  • To not destroy, deface or remove property of the landlord.

Most importantly, all requirements of the tenant and the property manager should be spelled out in the lease agreement.
Warning of Concealed Defect

If your property contains a concealed defect you need to be upfront in reporting this to any tenant renting the property. Concealed defects that need fixing should address with a repair schedule and presented to the tenant prior to moving in. If the property manager fails to do, this can be grounds for the tenant to file a legal case for not representing the property correctly. All defects must also be fixed before the tenant moves in.


The property manager has the right to terminate the agreement between the parties if the tenant has broken any rules stated. Additionally, all parties to the lease can push to terminate the lease for reason. Being specific and concise in detailing the termination of leases is important in helping to avoid any legal misunderstandings in the future.

However, if termination of the lease turns to an eviction process know the following. Evictions can be tricky. There are proper procedures that must be followed, or risk legal action to resolve the eviction. It is highly recommended that you consult with a commercial real estate lawyer before evicting a tenant to make sure it can be done effectively.

After the Tenant Leaves

After tenants move out it is proper to inspect, clean, and fix any changes to the property to make it prepared to be rented again by a future tenant. When completing repairs from previous tenants you should keep a detailed record of costs so you can make deductions from the security deposit, prior to returning it to the commercial tenant that has vacated the property.

After all, repairs, cleaning, and everything is ready for a new tenant to move in, a good property manager should have a marketing plan to ensure a new office tenant is ready to move in. basically, you can ask for services from plumbers Gilbert AZ. 


UN’s Initiative For Sustainable Energy For All

The United Nations has laid down its plan for a policy on sustainable energy at an international level. However, is their action and lead sufficient? What will it entail for nations across the globe to follow their lead? Will bytte strømleverandør or switching power suppliers to renewable ones be one of the solutions?

Forming and channeling incentives to take part in and conform to the international regulation is critical if the plan to lessen worldwide carbon emissions that is energy-based is to be realized. Additionally, economic theory could aid law-makers to center their attention on what is most necessary so as to make it happen.

UN’s Initiative For Sustainable Energy For All

The SE4ALL initiative of the United Nations or Sustainable Energy For All has suggested a worldwide renewable energy goal of 30% by 2030. The initiative has highlighted its significance by proclaiming the years 2014–2024 as the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All. In conjecture, the target of the SE4ALL will be attained predominantly by means of domestic acts, which has already started.

Of the 118 nations, Australia is one with a target for domestic renewable energy. It was recommended by the Australian Climate Change Authority to maintain the present Renewable Energy Targets to offer a level of market certitude as well as strengthen incentives for investments in renewable energy.

On the contrary, not all 118 goals for renewable energy are the same. The efficiency, strictness, compliance level and domestic implementation will differ among nations. Therefore, their combined effectiveness at cutting down the release of greenhouse gas, in keeping with the immediate need for worldwide energy de-carbonization, is possible to be below optimum and may not attain the SE4ALL renewable energy target. Reaching the renewable energy goal of the SE4ALL will necessitate unparalleled political, financial as well as technological collaboration and synchronization by the the government, corporate and civil society from the national, regional to international levels. The international law could play a key role in delivering the modalities, incentives and procedure for effective and operational global support, collaboration, and cooperation.

Scarcity Of International Regulation For Renewable Energy

There is scarcity of profound and binding international regulations of renewable energy. For instance, the system of UN climate change doesn’t make obligations that are enforceable to utilize or raise the share of domestic or global renewable energy. In history, matters for national sovereignty and policy for energy security have instigated pervasive abhorrence to international regulation. These issues have also produced a set of mostly negative versions of what economists term as “problems of collective action”.

Economic theories or philosophies of human behavior forecast that in particular situations individuals (and, by representation, nations or countries) will have difficulty cooperating since the approach that attends to every individual best is the self-centered strategy. Oddly enough, individuals would be at happier and at an advantage if they can look for a way to have faith in each other and work together.


Changes In The Immigration Regulations And Procedures In The United States

Immigration attorneys and firms such as the Fuerza Immigration Law would have to put their best foot forward with the changes in the immigration policies in the United States. The administration of Trump in 2018 urged to reduce on legal immigration and toughen the capability of the Department of Homeland Security to carry out immigration laws.

Changes In The Immigration Regulations And Procedures

Included in the changes were the regulations and processes in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or USCIS that have an effect on immigrants who came in the United States legally. This is specifically referring to deportations. But, the new rules are not entirely punitive or penalizing. A number of the rules help foreign citizens gain immigration benefits like green cards or permanent residency.

New Guidelines On Deportation

A new process for issuing NTAs or Notices to Appear widens the list of basis for which immigrants could be beckoned to appear before the immigration judges to begin the procedure of deportation. The revised list includes violations and defiance of state or federal programs associated to public benefit reception, activities of fraud and crime, and renunciations of immigration benefits like a visa that bring about the loss of status to legally stay in U.S territory.

Application Denials Without Being Warned

A new policy grants the panel of adjudicators of the USCIS maximum discretion to deny or reject applications for immigration benefits, like permanent residency in the U.S., U.S. citizenship as well as extensions in visas, without initially issuing Requests for Evidence (RFE) or a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID). These are also known as courtesy warnings.

These notifications or warnings gave applicants as well as their lawyers the chance to intercede by means of providing supplementary papers or remedying slip-ups and errors prior to adjudicators closing their cases. Now, officials of the USCIS could deny or reject an application, request or petition if there is a failure in submitting preliminary proof to establish and verify eligibility, and directly continue on to deportation.

Revisions In The Record Of Medical Exam For U.S. Residency

The restructured policy guidance has an effect on the medical and vaccination examination needed for verifying whether an applicant for permanent residency meets the requirements of public health for entry to the U.S. The policy guidance lengthens the validity period of Form I-693, which goes together with the medical exam results, to improve efficiencies in operations. Today, it could be signed by an accredited physician until two months prior to filing the underlying application or request for an immigration benefit.

Power Purchase Agreement Legislation

The beste strømavtale or best power agreement could be in short term or long term range from simple set rates agreements to very flexible agreements which are designed to take full advantage of opportunities in markets that are volatile. Such agreements or contracts can be customized to fulfill the distinctive necessities of your project.

Power Purchase Agreement – What Is It?

PPAs or Power Purchase Agreements are indentures or contracts between a power provider and the purchaser that are utilized to fund and carry out installations for renewable energy. Usually, power providers are proprietors of independent and self-regulating electricity systems or generators. These power agreements help out in projects that are utility scale by making certain that revenue streams are steady and long-term which are decisive to funding renewable energy ventures. Also, PPAs that are tendered by third-party solar providers have been an impelling cause behind the expansion of solar power on rooftops in numerous states. PPAs are quite appealing to many states since they make possible the provision of probable, lesser energy cost, plus certificates in renewable energy and tax credits devoid of the huge upfront charges.

PPA Legislation

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission usually regulates PPAs, however states also play a role in the process of regulation by means of agency rule-making as well as legislative action. Even though a majority of states have laws concerning PPAs, there are states that have passed considerable legislation to give permission to, standardize, and regulate these agreements.

In terms of authorization to operate and carry out third-party solar PPAs, it is typically is contained in the description of an electric utility in state and case regulations or laws. Moreover, authorization has been formed by decisions of the public utility commission or in incentive program rules of the state.

  • Most statute provides the public utility commission the authority and control to direct or permit local utility enterprises to go into PPAs with independent generators that meet the qualification. This is to support PPAs and help reach the Renewable Portfolio Standard of a state or permit third-party providers of rooftop solar to operate. Such instances are present in Hawaii, Oregon, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
  • The second kind of state legislation tackles the timespan or duration of PPAs since one of the major stumbling blocks for a successful PPA negotiation are the agreements and leases that are long-term. Both Michigan and Washington have passed legislation necessitating approval by the commission for utilities going into PPAs longer than the allocated timespan.
  • The third kind of PPA legislation focuses on concerns regarding interconnection by instructing utilities to make possible direct electricity transmission from third-party generators to individual clients.

Policies on Proper Lighting in the Work Area

Office administrators and business authorities at different levels often face decisions about proper lighting within the office work place. Many opinions pop up. However, there are many cases where you make a mistake based on information or make decisions based on someone’s opinion. In light of this author’s experience, there are reasons why there’s a certain policy that all lights in the work area should be turned on (using OSHA as the primary reference) “Everyone becomes happy and productive with brightly lit work area.”

This policy about lighting was certainly for the benefit of the company, but there were a lot of discontent and very strong emotional resistance. One person was so angry that he did not work the next day. Others were satisfied with this decision and jokingly called those who prefer a darker work area “cave residents”. It is very likely that many companies have undergone lighting problems with employees who have made a decision to justify OSHA regulations and to improve productivity below them.

Poor Office Lighting

What comes after after this is an evaluation of these principles created following cautious reading coming from several academic, government and industrial resources which includes in depth lighting test completed through the collaboration of the following:

  • Light Right Consortium
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lighting Research Center
  • National Research Council of Canada Institute for Research in Construction (NRC-IRC)

Also other academic questions associated with lighting, its impacts on efficiency, mindset and feelings. Additionally, the particular documentation coming from OSHA was cautiously discussed.

Bottom line: The results of this investigation have found these three results:

  1. OSHA has a minimum set standard for office work places and further describes specificiations down to specific work stations.
  2. There is absolutely no standard lighting level in order to boost productiveness, although lighting levels match individual efficiency, they do under a very variable and also personal foundation.
  3. Non-daylight lighting may have unfavorable effects on a company throughout three major locations which includes emotional/psychological concerns associated with human neuro-biology as well as physiology; monetary ramifications because of heat generation and also energy usage and ecological aspects; and productivity/profit.