There aren’t a lot of businesses that you can begin with very little money down and turn a profit in 1 week. It does not cost a lot of money to begin fast in the painting business. With that being said you can eliminate money if you attempt to cut corners or short change your clientele. From an investment or money down standpoint, you can begin in the business with under $50. I did begin that way and proceeded to develop a house painting business that over encouraged me and my family for more than 30 decades. Buy your resources as you head, I have purchased everything out of sprayers and power washers together with the money that I earned as I worked.
One of the areas of understanding that I didn’t understand, were my costs, fixed overhead and job expenses, this information is necessary to figure my hourly rate. The next place which I fought to understand has been estimating the paint jobs, learning the hard way, by trial and error, I ended up giving out plenty of money at the way of undercharging for the work we did.
Another thing which a new House Painters should learn is juggling time between painting and getting paint jobs. Lots of times after working very difficult to finish a job did I find out at the end of that job, I had been outside of work. So reconciliation painting and receiving paint jobs was another tough learned attribute. Obtaining work is every bit or even more important than actually painting. You will have to learn how to advertise and how to offer your business. Do not make the mistake that many seasoned painters make of using the old trick of dropping the purchase price of a paint job to have work. That is not selling.