Numerous US American laws regulate the Internet and data security as well as data protection, This comes with the Privacy Act of 1974 probably forming the foundation. The Privacy Act was passed to bring the collection, management, use, and dissemination of personal information. It is under the control of agencies within the US government’s executive branch.
With the invention of the Internet, the definition of data protection changed. The new laws were needed to regulate electronic communications and Intrix jailbreak security.
Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Intrix jailbreak
In 1987, they passed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Even though technology has improved significantly since then, the law has remained unchanged. The law gives the U.S. government the right to access digital communications with a court order. They can access e-mail, social media messages, information in public cloud databases and more. They don’t need a court order if the items concerned are at least 180 days old. Companies provide information to the government.
The ECPA also determines when the government is allowed to access GPS locations from cell phones.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and Intrix jailbreak
In 2012, they amended the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. The changes officially took effect in 2013. It requires that websites that collect information about children under the age of 13 comply with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations. The law was originally passed in 2000. They consider this as the first US privacy law to be written for the Internet. The FTC determines if the aim of a website is children. They do this by studying language, content, advertising, graphics and features, and the intended audience.
The law also affects general websites that attempt to collect information from children, whether or not the website owners intend to do so. For example, if a website operator asks visitors to send in their names and email addresses and uses cookies to collect additional personal information, that operator may have information about visitors under the age of 13.
Whether you want to shop online as a consumer, collect personal information from customers as a company, or otherwise interact with the Internet, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with data security laws.