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Functions of law

In order for the law to work, a clear distribution of roles is required, creating a so-called superordinate and subordinate relationship, a subordination relationship. What…


Understanding what law is

Coexistence in a society must be regulated in a binding and permanent manner in order to avoid social conflicts. This happens through certain systems of…


The Most Common Lawsuits For Supermarkets

The typical family makes at least two trips to the supermarket weekly. This record reveals despite online grocery alternatives, conventional supermarkets are still flourishing. However,…


Travel Agencies’ Responsibilities

Travel agents and their services are subject to traveling legislation. Traveling law employs legislation and federal, state, common law to govern the travel industry’s workings.…

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The Privilege of Bail and How it Works

After watching tons of films, you might have been familiar by now with the scene where a Judge lets a person free and says “…

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The Artist’s Copyright Law

There is always heated debate about copyright. Art rights expert artists explains what it means for a work of art when copyright expires and what…

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Who is a Legal Person?

A legal person is one born to a country of domicile, whilst naturally earning the rights and privileges to exist and participate as a citizen of that territory. In which case, a legal person is a natural being who must also assume responsibilities and obligations due to the territory that has given him or her benefits gained from such rights and privileges.

As a natural person, he or she is a human being entitled to assert ethical and justifiable rights to be free for harm, claim protection or act in accordance with the dictates of moral conscience. In asserting such rights, a natural person has a moral obligation to interact harmoniously with other natural persons; mainly by respecting everyone’s legal and moral rights. In doing so, he or she must coexist with other natural beings without bias, or adherence to any form of discrimination.

Can a Legal Person Become Illegal?

Basically, a legal person does not become an illegal person on whatever basis by which the legality of his or her freedom to reside, or coexist with others, is being questioned. Even if he or she is a convicted felon, some important legal rights may be taken away but not all. A convict is still a legal person, who retains the right to receive care, protection and rehabilitation so that he or she can later rejoin society as a reformed felon.

Legal persons found residing in another country without proper documentation for their immigration are called illegal immigrants. When proven guilty, they receive punishment for committing a civil infraction and will be sent back to their respective home country as part of their punishment. Upon return return to their sovereign country, they are still entitled to receive the same rights and privileges afforded to them as natural-born citizens . Not unless they left their homeland in order to avoid criminal conviction.

Can an Institution or Organization Become a Legal Person?

An institution, organization or association composed of several individuals, may apply for special legal rights in order to protect every shareholder or member from unjust or unwarranted liabilities. However, the special rights and protection is only as far as their involvement as shareholder or membership is concerned. In such cases, the institution or organization that receives approval for specific rights, assumes a legal personality and will be recognized as a legal entity.
